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Taco Salad --> I promise, even though this is possibly my longest blog so far, that this recipe is not too difficult. Maybe a bit time-consuming, but if you're craving Mexican, taking steps the night before is definitely worth it.
Mexican food is probably my favorite type of food, but it’s usually made incredibly unhealthy by restaurants. Here’s my health-ified version.
Ingredients 1.5 cups refried beans* (see recipe below, or store bought)
4 whole wheat, soft taco size tortillas
Non-stick cooking spray
1 tbsp canola oil
1 medium onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 zucchini, diced
1 red (or green if red not in season) bell pepper diced
½ cup mushrooms, diced
1 tsp cumin
Cayenne pepper to taste
1 tomato diced
1 cup salad mix
½ cup guacamole** (see recipe below, or store bought)
Cheddar cheese (optional)
Cilantro to taste (optional)
Apparatus Foil pot pie pans (they’re cheap! And reusable! You can also use oven-safe bowls, but be very, very sure they’re oven safe. Burned plastic, I suspect, correlates strongly with cancer. And glass has a very nasty habit of exploding if it was not designed to go in the oven)
Large frying pan
Process1)Spray foil pan with non-stick cooking spray. Shape 1 tortilla around pan, spray tortilla very lightly again. Stack another pan on top of tortilla, and repeat for each tortilla.
2)Place in oven at 350 degrees F for 10-15 minutes until crispy.
3)Place canola oil, onion, and garlic in frying pan. Saute until onion is translucent.
4)Add zucchini, bell pepper, mushrooms and spices. Saute for 5-7 minutes on medium heat.
5)Remove taco shells from oven.
6)Layer beans, then vegetables, then salad mix. Then add guacamole, tomato, and cheese and cilantro (if using).
7)Serve immediately and enjoy!

Example of taco salad shells being made
Refried beans Ingredients 1.5 cups dried pinto beans
2 bay leaves
Cayenne pepper to taste
1.5 tsp garlic powder
1.5 tsp cumin
Process1)Soak dried beans in a covered bowl overnight.
2)Drain, then transfer beans to a slow cooker (if available) or a large pot. Re-submerge in water.
3)Add spices.
4)If using slow-cooker, let sit on low heat for at least 8 hours (make sure there is plenty of water for the beans to soak up. If using pot, add beans and let simmer for approximately 4 hours until beans are mushy.
5)Drain most of the water (I use a ladle to do this). Using a potato masher, mash beans until they reach the appropriate texture.

Refried beans in slow cooker
Guacamole Ingredients 1 avocado
2 tbsp very finely diced red onion
1/3 tsp cumin
1 tsp lime juice
Cayenne pepper to taste
Process1)Peel avocado and remove seed. Half and place in a large container (preferably one with a lid)
2)Add red onion and spices, except lime juice to container.
3)Mash together.
4)Add lime juice and stir together.
*Try to use up all your guacamole quickly. It does not store well and oxidizes very quickly.
**Special thanks to Daniel for being an awesome flora chopper**